Ages 6 to 12
We are currently accepting Elementary applications for the 2024-25 school year.
Elementary-aged children display new powers of reasoning and imagining and a burning curiosity about all the workings of the universe.
The elementary environment is deliberately prepared to meet children in this new phase of development with materials that they loved and used in the Children’s House. Grounded in the familiarity of the materials, the children delve more deeply into complex subjects by interacting with these materials in new ways.
Serving the awakening social needs of the child, group lessons and work carried out in groups is the norm in the elementary classroom.
Children navigate choosing partners, delegating tasks fairly, supporting one another collaboratively, and solving disputes and problems among each other by further developing a more nuanced set of skills to promote a present (and future) peaceful and harmonious world.
“Let us give the children a vision of the whole universe.”